Vacancy Announcement
Vacancy Announcement
The candidate must be a mature member in good standing in an EAC affiliate church, who has served in an executive/administrative management level.
Qualification & Experience
- Associate or Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and/or a related field.
- Certifications or completed coursework on administrative software.
- Previous experience in an administrative support role, secretarial job or personal assistant is valuable.
- Proficient with MS Office Suite.
- Strong organizational skills and ability to multitask.
- Verbal and written communication skills.
- Time management and ability to meet deadlines.
- Perform duties as personal assistant and confidential secretary to the EAC Secretary General/CEO.
- Provide a bridge for smooth communication between the CEO’s office and internal departments, Commissions, EAC NEAs, Affiliates and Ministries.
- Serve as Recording Secretary to the Regional Board, compose and prepare correspondence, such as staff notifications and all messages from the CEO.
- Prepare meeting schedules, coordinate itineraries, and coordinate expense reports.
- Perform bookkeeping and accounting functions.
Application Process: Interested person are required to submit a letter of application and Curriculum Vitae with supporting documents, accompanied by the names and contact information of three (3) reputable referees.
Submit applications via email attachment at caribbeanevangelical@gmail.com marked “Administrative Assistant Vacancy” addressed to The Secretary General, Evangelical Association of the Caribbean, P. O. Box 4947, Tunapuna, Trinidad.
Unsuitable applicants will not be acknowledged.
Deadline date for ALL applications: 15 March 2022