Our Members
There are four Classes of Membership, each with its distinct qualification and responsibilities:
- National Alliances are national evangelical fellowships and their members.
- Agencies/Regional Partners are independently incorporated organizations that work in harmony with EAC structures and serve the EAC constituency.
- Associate Members are independently incorporated organizations with their own specific ministries and accountability, an international scope of ministry, and the capacity and authority to serve in and beyond the EAC community.
- Church Networks & Denominations are networks of churches, located in one or a number of countries, in agreement with the Statement of Faith and the objectives of the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean.

National Evangelical Alliances
Antigua & Barbuda Evangelical Alliance
Antigua & Barbuda
- P.O. Box 1001 St. John's, Antigua
- Rev. Rolston Jeffrey
- 1.268.734.7272
Barbados Evangelical Association
- P.O. Box 555 Bridgetown, Barbados
- Rev. Dr. Nigel Taylor
Alliance of Evangelical Churches Inc.
- P.O. Box 2732 St. Paul’s, St. George’s, Grenada
- Rev. Devon Rachae
- 1.473.535.0140
Guyana Evangelical Fellowship
- P.O. Box 10769 Georgetown, Guyana
- Rev. Rolston Jeffrey
- 1.268.734.7272
Concile Des Eglises Evangélique D’Haiti
- Cazeau, Rte Nationale #1, Entrée Lareo #1, Haiti
- 1.3944.6441
- Rev. Jean Bilda Robert
- 1.3729.4139
- 1.3701.3975
Jamaica Evangelical Alliance
- 42-59 Dunrobin Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica
- 1.876.755.2347
- Rev. Dr. Peter Garth
- 1.876.818.3954
St. Croix Evangelical Ministerial Association, Inc.
St. Croix
- P.O. Box 1001 St. John's, Antigua
- Rev. Rolston Jeffrey
- 1.268.734.7272
St. Kitts Evangelical Association
St. Kitts & Nevis
- P.O. Box 1368 Basseterre, St. Kitts
- Rev. Leroy Matthew
- 1.869.668.6211
Fellowship of Gospel Preaching Churches
St. Lucia
- Castries, St. Lucia
- Rev. Dr. Timothy Robinson
- 1.758.451.6617
- 1.758.450.3644
Association of Evangelical Churches in Castries St. Vincent & the Grenadines
St. Vincent & the Grenadines
- P.O. Box 697 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, VC100
- Rev. Dr. Reynold Murray
- 1.784.456.5298
- 1.784.529.2420
Trinidad and Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches
Trinidad & Tobago
- # 7-9, Tunapuna Road Tunapuna Trinidad
- Desmond Austin
- 1.868.642.3282
- 1.868.663.8667
- 1.868.735.8628
Agencies/Regional Partners
Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA)
Wycliffe Caribbean
Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
Youth For Christ Caribbean (YFC)
Associate Members
Calvary Evangelical Mission (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Evangelism Explosion
Every Home for Christ (EFC)
Trans World Radio
Victorious Living Fellowship
Church Networks & Denominations
Caribbean Atlantic Church of God
Grace Communion International
Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI)
The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory
The Wesleyan Holiness Church
Membership Benefits
Regional Visibility
Association with the EAC helps bring regional credibility and the opportunity to generate prayer and support for the activities of your National Alliances. The EAC website its social media presence on Facebook and Twitter, as well as its publications offer a platform for featuring the work of its members.
Access to EAC’s Network and Strategic Public Engagement
Members of the EAC will have access to regional (and where possible, global) Christian organizations for collaboration and partnership. The EAC is also engaged in both public and behind the scenes advocacy work for its National Alliances.
Training Opportunities and Research through the EAC Institute of Leadership
The EAC IL in partnership with the WEA GIL will offer various courses and programs to strengthen National Evangelical Alliances by developing effective leaders. It offers consultation and equipping for better practices in Association Leadership. Furthermore, the EAC IL will offer research possibilities through online surveys and other services.
Access to a Variety of Information and Resources
EAC collaborates with WEA commissions and strategic initiatives to deliver extensive resources in the areas of mission, theology, religious liberty, youth, women’s issues, information technology, human trafficking, peace and reconciliation, and more. Members also receive periodic insider reports on confidential WEA behind-the-scenes diplomacy, particularly on religious liberty.
Training Opportunities and ResearcRegional Gatheringsh through the EAC Institute of Leadership
As a member, you are invited to join the various regional and national meetings hosted by the EAC, including the General Assembly as well as specialized summits. National General Secretaries also have influence over EAC in various ways. Also, you have the opportunity to invite EAC leaders to speak at various events.
Special Services to Members
As EAC’s primary members, National Alliances benefit from various services designed specifically and exclusively for them, including a starter pack for General Secretaries and a membership package sent after sign–up or renewal.
Renew Your Membership
Renew Online
Renew your membership conveniently by using PayPal, click here.
Renew by Bank Transfer
If you prefer to renew by bank transfer, please call 1.868.708.7595 for instructions.
Become A Member Today!
Join hundreds of other Christian ministries across the Caribbean and support a trusted regional voice for evangelicals!
If your organization:
Agrees with EAC’s Statement of Faith
Aligns with EAC’s vision, mission and objectives
Is active in an island of the Caribbean or country in Latin America
- Agrees with EAC’s Statement of Faith
- Aligns with EAC’s vision, mission and objectives
- Is active in an island of the Caribbean or country in Latin America