The Regional Board and members of the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean (EAC) joins the Antigua and Barbuda Evangelical Alliance (ABEA), the Evangelical Community of Antigua and Barbuda and the Leeward–Virgin Islands District of the Church of the Nazarene, to extend their prayerful support to the family, loved ones on the passing of Rev. Joscelyn Martin.
Rev. Emerson Boyce, Secretary General of the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean (EAC) commented: “Pastor Martin, as he was affectionately called was a confident, humble, and an intriguing servant who changed the landscape of Christian service in the All Saints community. He served on the Board of Directors of ABEA as President and up to the time of his passing Director of Relief and Development. Rev. Martin was indefatigable in his ministerial service for God whom he loved dearly and leaves behind a legacy of influence in the lives of countless people across Antigua and Barbuda, within and outside the Caribbean.”
Mr. Clovis St. Romain, General Secretary of ABEA recalls Rev. Martin “as being humble and caring, possessing an affable personality, which will be hard to replace among colleague Ministers and friends who will dearly miss his forever smiling face.”
We praise God for the Spirit–controlled life, ministry and legacy of Rev. Martin. We are praying for his wife, Sandra of 39 years, their children Josiah and La Fleur, grand children Josiah, Jr. and Raina, family and friends during this difficult time.