
EAC was founded in 1977 when the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA) took the initiative to call together regional evangelical leaders.

Founding members were: the Barbados Council of Evangelical Churches (now the Barbados Evangelical Association), the Guyana Evangelical Fellowship, Concile des Eglises Evangéliques d’Haiti, the Jamaica Association of Evangelicals, the St. Kitts Evangelical Association, and the Trinidad and Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches.

The Evangelical Association of the Caribbean (EAC) is a regional ministry working with local congregations within the Caribbean to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their nations. EAC is a network that links 11 national alliances of evangelicals and a growing number of denominations and agencies working among more than 5-million evangelicals in the region.

We are Caribbean and minister throughout the islands of the Caribbean, including the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch islands and including those Central and South American countries which traditionally relate to the Caribbean islands, namely Belize, Guyana, Guyane (French Guiana), and Suriname.

EAC is the Caribbean regional grouping of the World Evangelical Alliance that consists of seven regional alliances, more than 127 national evangelical alliances, 100 international organizations, and an estimated 600 million evangelical Christians worldwide.

Today, EAC seeks to strengthen local congregations through national alliances, supporting and coordinating grassroots leadership and seeking practical ways of showing the unity of the body of Christ. It looks to the future with vision to accomplish God’s purposes in discipling the nations for Jesus Christ. Together we can make a difference, impact Caribbean societies, and bring real and lasting change in our region.

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