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Fundraising Training
Does Your Ministry need Funding support? Then don’t miss this!
If you are part of a ministry, Church or para-Church Organisation across the Caribbean which is struggling to execute your God-given mission because of a lack of money, then listen up! Help is on the way!
The EAC’s Caribbean Institute of Leadership (CIL) will be rolling our 4-week online Course entitled “Funding the Mission” and based primarily on Rob Martin’s book: “When Money goes on Mission”.
4 Saturdays
12, 19, 26 Nov & 3 Dec 2022 | 3:00 – 6:30pm
Who will benefit?
This free online training Course is for EAC Affiliated ministries, Commissions, NEA Leaders, Ministry fund-raisers, Christian Agencies, Theological Institution and other persons tasked with attracting the resources that make successful ministries tick. The course will help participants develop an understanding of the donors’ mindset and the process of discovering, attracting and nurturing individuals and charitable entities who can support their ministry’s work.