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Empowering the Church
to Transform Society
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Empowering the Church
to Transform Society
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Empowering the Church to Transform Society
Empowering the Church to Transform Society
Empowering the Church to Transform Society

Updates: St. Vincent & The Grenadines

About us

Together we can make a difference.​

In a spirit of servanthood the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean exists to unite Evangelical Christians in the Caribbean, giving them a regional identity, voice, and platform to extend the Kingdom of God through Christ-centered proclamation of the Gospel to all peoples, discipling the nations, and the transformation of society.

Come join us

Providing Evangelicals with a regional identity, presence, and a representative voice.

Fostering relief, development, and reconciliation ministries.

Our impact
Empowering churches to transform Caribbean society through biblical discipleship.
The value of networking with leaders across the region produces a synergy that enables us to make quantum leaps where in the past we have only been able to see incremental development with individuals working in isolation.
Rev. Ken Ragoonath
Immediate Past President, EAC.
I am very impressed by the proactive role that is consistently exhibited by the EAC in being a voice in the Caribbean. I wish that every child of God would understand the need to be integrally involved in issues of their land whether these are political, business, or religious.
Anita Charles
St. Vincent
Participating actively in EAC, and manifesting biblical love and Christian respect to each other is one great way to take seriously the prayer of Christ that His body, the Church, should be one. Together we do make a difference.
Rev. Dr. Wingrove Taylor
Past President, EAC.